For my 21st Birthday I want to have a party! I stopped doing those when I reached age 6.... or so. My parents used to throw me the biggest b-day parties ever when I was younger. I guess as I got older money started going or something but it stopped. Yeah we had the traditional family b-day dinners but it just wasn`t the same anymore. Having all your friends there celebrating with you and bringing you gifts...anyway
My whole point is that I want a big 21st b-day bash, what sucks is that all my friends will not be 21. Oh by the way my birthday isnt till next year Feb. 6 , but I`m already thinking of stuff :D
Okay so let me get to the WHOLE POINT OF THIS POST, I want a Twilight Cake.
Mhmm sure enough do, I want a classy one at that ;]
I googled imgs & such and giggled at this one....

Haha lady hella early. I'll start making cake plans though ;D
lmfao early bird gets the cake! ;) uugh it's true though best birthday parties were the ones at home with the friends, a stereo playing mixed cds, and the big ass table where everyone dropped off your presents! :)
lolol wow your thinking early.
Liking the cakes tho =) very creative.
Oh lord lol
True Blood > Twilight
I started my bday plans EARLY this year....remember?!?
Mines is in 2 weeks and I was thinking a party but were going out.....All weekend!
I still want a damn cake!
Oh yeah...I'm back,KAY!!!!! MISSED YOU!!!!
why the hell didnt i think of asking for a twilight cake?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! check out my blog for the cakes i got!!!! :-)
oh my!!
oooh I'd want a true blood one. they could make it in red velvet lol
I already asked for my Twilight cake, fingers crossed I'll be getting one this weekend. I must agree with Yves though True Blood > Twilight but there's room in my heart and on my cake for both ; )
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