When I first heard they were making this book into a movie I got more than excited, in fact I think my heart skipped a beat. That's how much I am in love with this story, if you did not read this book when you were younger... *blank stare* . Anyway, "Where the Wild Things Are" releases in movie theaters Oct. 16th.
In celebration, Opening Ceremony will be releasing a limited edition collection inspired by this movie. Yup, you too can get all furry with bunny ears and a tail! I think that's what I want to be for Halloween, also I`ll use it as pajamas lmao ;)

They also have a cute charm bracelet...

To watch the trailer *click here
EDITORS NOTE// uh yeah that Max suit is $610, it can stay right there :) .Carry on...
ok...i love the necklace!
-Darling Nikky of Tasteless Diamonds
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