My first week of school was pretty cool, all my teachers are great! I absolutely love my French Teacher, she's really from France. She has an accent :) Everything she says in French I understand ^_^ & she`s funny . She makes me want to move to France & I`m also thinking about French being my minor, so i`ll be trilingual! My Psychology teacher,love her too! She makes me laugh & she`s really smart. I have a feeling i`ll be passing her course too. Actually all my classes I hope I either get As or Bs. Eh my Speech teacher is pretty eh idk... I hope I do well in his class. I hate talking in front of people. As for History, I got that in the bag. This year at my college there's a lot of freshman omg, and half of them went to my highschool *rolls eyes*. Eh it`s whatever man, I hate community college. I can`t wait to transfer out to my dream school, F.I.T. So that pretty much sums up school for now.

i'm glad you like school right now. <3haha. new freshmen are slightly annoying. they've still got that high school mentality. it's like sheeez! grow up. haha.
Heyy! That's awesome your first week of college wasn't awful. I'm dreading tomorrow. School this year, to sum it up, will be a bitch. :X Aggghhh! D: FIT would be aaaamazing though, your efforts should defintiely pay off!
Omigawsh I love the Go International Lines at Target!!!! Who is that designer?! I WANT MOREEE! :P
Haha Freshman 15 I'm not saying you're going to be on it but that's something to be wary of, ya know? I'll turn into a vegetarian for college and see how it works out ;) hahaa
p.s. Would you like to swap blog links?
I hate community college too! & Ima knit you a big purple scarf & try to knit some lipstick on it lol IMA TRY. but you have to buy me some trix yogurt =]
wow school sounds fun for you! how could school ever be fun?! the world is definitely ending. haha.
ME TOO! i have pretty chubby cheeks specially when you look straight on. they have those face roller things that are meant to make you lose the chubby cheeks but i really doubt it works.
thats so cool that target has all these different lines over there in america (?). and they all look really good! targets in australia are shit..
Love that look!
Great blog!
haha me too i eat too much junk food :p
thnx for the comment
try aa for acid wash jeans
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