it was fricking brick cold today, 30 degrees... smfh. i hate living upstate sometimes... anyway. things i need to get done;
-get my eyebrows done, i can never do my own shits... & the place where i always get them done burned down..... smh
- i need a haircut, BAD. split ends are not cute =\ . & i`m dying my hair a nice deep chocolate color.. & getting bangs along with some purple... can't wait for that <3.
- my damn history essay... smh (notice how its not my number one priority)
yeah that's pretty much it.

( since i was too lazy to take a pic of my eyeshadow i got this img from flickr)
OH so last week i ordered 2 things from Sephora. They had the 20% off all items. I got the Shu Emura 24k eyelash curler & some NARS eyeshadow in GALAPAGOS. May I say that the color is beautiful. It's part of the summer collection, it`s a nice dark chocolate color.. with gold glitter. veryyy pretty. I've worn it twice already, a little goes a long way.
Today I wore it only on my crease, I blended it well with a MAC 217 brush & it came out very pretty. Simple as that, as my eye primer I used Maybelline's dream matte mousse foundation... i know weird but trust me it works... If you don't have eye primer & haven't gotten around to try Urban Decays Primer or any other primer use your foundation ^_-
As for the eyelash curler, it works wonders :)
That's iit for today, i dont have anything else to talk about ..