So my laptop crashed real won't even turn on...
I was excited about posting some eyeshadow swatches...
-last weekend was SantoGolds concert! I was on 5th ave right by central park but and my friend winnie decided not to was way tooooo damn hot to be surrounded by sweaty nasty ppl lmao. Plus the fact my boyfriend was being ugh... And also it was too late... I knew by the time we would get to the summer stage we would be all the way in the back :( heard it was a good show...maybe next time?
So we were really hungry,we walked to BBQ Dallas...I love their hot yummy! we were going to go see the dark knight but it was sold out :( . We went to union square and sold out there too...went to jamba juice & forever21....we were going to go see wall-e but it was too late,I had to go back to grand central and catch my train to go home :( .
This week was my last week of summer courses,hopefully I passed.Real school starts the last week of august,& I'll start applying for F.I.T. ....I hope I get accepted! Anyway just wanted to update real quick ,wish I could post my eyemakeup today...that new MAC eyeshadow is amazing!I have a purple smokey eye going on today lol . Real update when my laptop gets here..
Jul 25, 2008
xoxo Kay ♥ at 4:37 PM 10 comments
Labels: centralpark, electroflash, SantoGold, weekend update
Jul 22, 2008
yes i`m still alive
Hello everyone! I will have a real update later on this week probably tomorrow... i have some eyeshadow swatches and makeup reviews and my weekend update! && Taryn how u do that damn mosaic thing on flickr?
xoxo Kay ♥ at 10:40 PM 3 comments
Jul 16, 2008
Sushi,Sushi,& more Sushi
I`ve had sushi four days in a row.. is that healthy? lol i was in a sushi drought and all of the sudden i`ve been eating it religiously . I love it. I told my boyfriend he needs to learn how to make some :D
xoxo Kay ♥ at 2:00 PM 15 comments
Labels: sushi
Jul 11, 2008
I love...
xoxo Kay ♥ at 3:32 PM 8 comments
Labels: collages, essie, mac, urbandecay
Today`s plans

xoxo Kay ♥ at 11:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: Wall-e, working out.
Jul 10, 2008

xoxo Kay ♥ at 9:59 PM 4 comments
Labels: central park, free, SantoGold
Jul 7, 2008
Who is Purple Lipstick?
I wanted to post a little bit more about myself.... since my profile really doesn't say much about me. & i wanted to post about my 4th of july weekend :) .

xoxo Kay ♥ at 3:23 PM 5 comments
Labels: 4th of july, betsey johnson, one month, who am i?