I wanted to post a little bit more about myself.... since my profile really doesn't say much about me. & i wanted to post about my 4th of july weekend :) .
Hmm where do i start??
- I am in love with make-up! I really can't remember how i started with this infatuation but i hope it never fades since i plan on going for a career that involves it. I want to go into Beauty Industry Merchandising & Marketing. Before that i had a thing for Graphic Design, i took a year of art at college and i realized it just wasn't what I wanted...
-I live an hour and change away from NYC <3

- I plan to attend F.I.T. in Spring 09.... wish me LUCK.
-Photography is pretty darn amaziing.
- I'll be 20 next year
- Sneakers&Flats are a must for me :D
- I work at Footlocker.
- Ummm yeah that pretty much sums it for me... i know there is more to me but thats pretty much the important issh right about now...
So last week all i did was go to summer school.. i got 3 more weeks left thank-god! & then on thursday Wednesday i went to these outlets and bought myself a Betsey Johnson bracelet i wanted back in Feb.

It's the Valentines Day Edition and i more than love it. :D
On Thursday i went to go visit the boyfriend, while he was at work i was playing with make-up in Sephora & napping in central park. I ended up spending the night in the city, didn't plan on it but shit happens. I was suppose to watch the fireworks in the city buuuut weather didn't look too good :( . So i went home & had to say good-bye to him :(
Oh & we made a month.. go us!
That was my weekend pretty much.... how was yours?
oooh! i love makeup as well. =) AND i love betsey jewelry! that bracelet is cute! i just bought a betsey bracelet a week ago. it has a huge rhinestoned fish with a starfish and other stuff. it's cute. =) as all betsey jewelry is. lol.
and of coures i'll do your nails! lol.
summer school sucks and footlocker! when i was 19 i prayed for a job like that all i got was LONG JOHN SILVERS! O yeah follow the cosmetics dream!
yay, ^_^ now i know Purple lipstick lol...
ah it sounds like you had fun{ but
i love makeup as well, shephra is my fav. store
THats so kool & different that you want a career in makeup. Everyone else is like fashion, singer, actress lol. & you should know Im like cryinggg to have a charm bracelet, yours is sooo precious...=/
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