I`m tired but not sleepy. I worked from 10am till 10 pm. It was so busy at work too. Its back to school season so you know it was packed ( I work at a shoe store) PLUS some Air Jordan's released today so there were extra people in there. Anyway the shoes you see below are one of the Jordans that released today. Its a mix between a couple of different models, I was going to get them butI really dont want them that bad. So smart little me is going to make a profit off them... a desperate girl came in today upset at the fact we sold out of her size and she's my size.... SO yeah i`ll be making a $60 profit .

For some reason I'd rather get a pair of Chucks for 29.99 & knowing no one really is going to have them on like Jordans..... I think these Chucks are so cuuute!
OH & i also got my 88 eyeshadow palette in the mail friday. These colors are nice and pigmented. I cant wait to experiment and play with it.

The pic is all messed up buuut ill take a better pic with my digi cam and do some swatches.
I`m going to be working like crazy all week, glad because I owe my mother $300! Ugh. I`m craving sushi right about now, I had it for lunch today. OH and tell me why some lady called me racist at my job today! Ugh!! I payed her NO MIND because i have a mouth on me and i`ll go crazy at the mouth so i left her alone... me racist? PSH whatever.... I hate it when people take things to the next level like that..
Everyone enjoy your weekend :)
haha. omg. some lady called you rascist? i hate when people try to pull the race card just because they're not getting what they want or something. it's like puhleeze!
kool chucks
those chucks are the real deal...id pick a pair of chucks over jordans any day..Jordans are too expensive and too hyped. In high school I use to wonder why people kept up with all the styles and numbers like it was gospel...Soon as a new release came out you'd see them on everyone's feet at school the next week..It was like so un-original lol
i diddo ^^^^ skinny....people used to get shot and jumped for J'S
I love chucks,think I'm gunna get a pair for the fall! those eyeshadows are very pretty.
I wanted those 6 rings...
i hate people call me rascist when i know that i am not
love the air-jordans !! I havent buy sneakers in a long time !! I remember the good old days lol when i would buy every new pair of jordan that came out lol ...
craving some sushi too !!
ps. at what sneaker store do you work?
haven't bought* lol oops
Sweet chucks! that eyeshadow thing is really intense.
nice chucks
I love the sneaks and the makeup....but isnt it sexy wearing the both.....lol
whoa thats a lotta colors! =) sweeeet!
please check out my blog, http://la-couturier.blogspot.com
holy shit 88 eye shadow palette no wonder u said ur bf told u to buy no more make-up.. i hope thats not why u owe ur mom $300.. man ive been on a chucks buying spree.. theres 2 more pairs i want to cop before im satisfied.. u got the pix right?? man maybe i should b posting it on here... well hope all is good =D
i dont know about the chucks over the jordans but it shows that u have originality and i applaud you for that.
them js are a combo of the XIII, X, VIIII, VIII, ER'THANG! haha when i saw them in the store im like WTFFF! ahaha. didnt cop 'em though...dont do too many general releases =P dont do any js much anymore either! thangs are like flipflops, everyone got em . BOOOO! ahaha.
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