Sometimes I Speak french without meaning to....specially in my head... i try to word sentences in french that i would say in english... i must say i do a pretty damn good job half the time. I took french when i was in 5th grade all the way up to 11th. Now im going to take it again this Fall semester and i am so excited! I will need French for my career! I only have one friend that likes to talk or text in french, how cool is that?? Lol we both agreed to help one another this fall semester... I was in the French Post Secret website and that secret applies to me..... can u figure it out?lol enjoy your sunday!
Funny enough, recently I have started using french words I remember learning earlier on in my education.I love postsecret too!
i wish i was good at some language other than english. then again i dont' think i'm good at that one either. lol.
Dear Purple,
We are a gonzo T shirt wearing company which advocates real life experience. Unless you've been there, you can't wear the T shirt.
We are also making a movie. This, right now, is the movie. There's just no cameras.
That's really cool that you can speak French, it'll really come in handy later on.
BTW, would you like to link up with my blog?
haha, i do that too sometimes. i like french as a language, but i hate the class.
french is pretty sexy. I took it in 7th grade, but never stuck with it After.
Ha; it's the same for me with Spanish...I know a little French but I'm really trying to learn sign language now, it seems so cool !
i took french for 3 years,and i always speak french in my head or try to talk to people in french. i don't know a lot but the stuff i do know alway comes up in conversations!! lol
and thanks for the comment, i dnt have many readers, so would you like to exchange links?
I do that with portuguese somethings. Its starting to wear off though because I never use it anymore...
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