Things have been pretty hectic around my way.... I started school on Monday, right now i`m sitting in the cafeteria by myself. I`m waiting for my friend to get out of class. Last Friday I went to NYC to see my boyfriend and hung out with my bff and other friend and did a little bit of shopping. I bought MAC`s Mineralize Skin Finish & a DazzleGlass LipGloss. I`ll take pics of that later. Also bought this cute shirt from H&M & and a belt. H&M`s fall line is amazing! I absolutely love fall, I get to wear my peacoats,boots,scarfs,mittens & cute hats ^_^
Aug 26, 2008
I've been MIA
xoxo Kay ♥ at 10:42 AM 5 comments
Labels: fall, fright fest, hm, lipgloss, mac, played out fashion, six flags, update, weekend update
Aug 16, 2008
From sneakers to make-up

xoxo Kay ♥ at 11:32 PM 16 comments
Labels: 6 rings, chucks, eyeshadow, update, work, WTF at people
Aug 11, 2008
L M F A O!
America is my bitch! Lmao I like Blake but come on you`re on the show to promote Sisterhood not GossipGirl. The rolling of the eyes is classic...
xoxo Kay ♥ at 10:40 PM 9 comments
Labels: america ferrera, blake lively, gossipgirl, lmfao, the soup
Aug 9, 2008
My secret...

Sometimes I Speak french without meaning to....specially in my head... i try to word sentences in french that i would say in english... i must say i do a pretty damn good job half the time. I took french when i was in 5th grade all the way up to 11th. Now im going to take it again this Fall semester and i am so excited! I will need French for my career! I only have one friend that likes to talk or text in french, how cool is that?? Lol we both agreed to help one another this fall semester... I was in the French Post Secret website and that secret applies to me..... can u figure it out?lol enjoy your sunday!
xoxo Kay ♥ at 9:18 PM 9 comments
Labels: fall, french, postsecret
Aug 8, 2008
Compulsive Buying...
I've noticed something about myself... i think i was in denial before but now i admit it. I'm a compulsive buyer. I'm sure everyone is, but i always WANT something. I don't need it.. but i got to HAVE IT. I have expensive taste too, materialistic, I want the finer things in life. The other night my boyfriend practically yelled at me and brought it to my attention that I need to STOP buying so many unnecessary things i don't need, and to start saving my money. I try to stop buying things but I can't help it.I recently stopped buying so much damn MAC Cosmetics, and if you don't know they are pretty damn expensive. Just a couple of months ago I would go to a MAC counter and spend $70 and up on makeup like every week. I didn't have a remorse about it, I was actually happy with my $32 dollar eyeshadow quad or $30 foundation. But makeup is my thing...thats what I plan to go to school for, Beauty Merchandising & Marketing.
xoxo Kay ♥ at 10:21 PM 3 comments
Labels: compulsive buying, Louis Vuitton, shoes, sneakers
Aug 6, 2008
i`m back
I finally got my laptop!! YAY! I also changed up my page, i hope everyone likes it. So let's see what have i been up to??
Last week i went to the Hellz Bellz Sample Sale in NYC. I was so exciited. I got there around 12pm & there was a line, it wasn't that bad, i waited for 15 minutes. People kept coming out with bags of stuff!! I thought all the good stuff was taken but there was plenty of boxes full of shirts,sweaters,jackets,and jeans. My mom was with me so she helped me out a lot, there was a lot of shirts i liked but i knew i couldn't over do it... I was in that store for an hour or so.. just looking and searching for different items. I came out with 5 shirts, and two sweaters, it all added up to $160.00. I think that was a good deal since that alone is how much a jacket or jeans cost. So when it was my turn to pay, I couldn't find my debit card...i started panicking. My mother ended up paying for everything && she thought i did it on purpose which was def not true! SO now i have to pay her back this friday when i get paid. I was reading Nitrolicious's blog and TrashBag , it looks like they put different stuff out on the last days...kind of mad about that but oh well. If anyone wants to see what i got ill post it just let me know ...
Sunday night i finally got to see The Dark Knight!! I know i`m late, but i couldn't go any sooner. All i have to say is WOW....Heath Ledger did a great job!I want to see it again. Oh yeah i got in for free... YAY lol. I want to go see Mamma Mia next week or so..
Today i`m suppose to get my nails done but idk if i am.. we will see.
i`ll post some pics on my next post...
xoxo Kay ♥ at 1:56 PM 5 comments
Labels: hellz bellz, nails, the dark knight, update