Youtube & the make-up gurus are responsible for me having like all of the make-up I own now, I swear! So today I was doing my daily browsing && I stumbled on Tiffany's video on this company called Sigma Make-Up.
Basically this company has comparable MAC brushes, && guess what? They are BETTER *gasp*. This is great news for me because I want to start free lancing or somethiiing! Everyone knows that MAC brushes are "la creme de la creme" when it comes to their brushes. Bad news is that they are sold out on EVERYTHING ;( . I def wanna get this set for only $79.00 (suuuch a steal) before Sigma raises the price! lol. But yeah watch Tiffany's video ;) & save urself A LOT OF MONAYYYYY lol
Mar 26, 2009
ohhhh i love a good deal!
xoxo Kay ♥ at 9:49 PM 8 comments
Labels: comparable, mac brushes, makeup rant, sigma, youtube
Mar 21, 2009
Extra Extra!

Pics by Alejandro Perez ;)
xoxo Kay ♥ at 10:54 PM 9 comments
Labels: 21 magazine, new ish, photography
Mar 20, 2009
Did you miss me?!
I am soooo sorry if I have not updated in like idk how long..... well this week was my spring break & it went wayyy tooo fast. Good news is that I got to spend it with the people that I love ;]
xoxo Kay ♥ at 10:32 PM 4 comments
Labels: quick update, spring break, twilight, watchmen
Mar 9, 2009
I will update tomorrow about 3 things...
xoxo Kay ♥ at 10:57 PM
Mar 7, 2009
my damn blackberry is the fckin shit!!! I fcking loooove it. I am SOOOO GLAD I got it. Anyway if any peeps out there that use the BB messenger like that would like to chat it up sometime with yours truly... leave ur PIN here in the cmmnt box... & I will ADD u asap ;]
xoxo Kay ♥ at 11:05 PM 11 comments
Labels: blackberries are crackberries
Mar 5, 2009
New banner!
Thanks Bell for the banner! I was getting tired of Kaws & since I don`t fckz with PSP or CS anymore.... idk what i`m doing! lol thanks giiirl
xoxo Kay ♥ at 9:53 PM 8 comments
Labels: bell is awesome, html, new ish
Mar 3, 2009
SO . . for those who follow my blog from like the JUMP . . know that i`ve had my eye on some shoes . . . not any shoes... but precious little darlings that would of been my babies.
SO ... also... I haven't had a phone for a while... yeah that long... mind u what i`ve been doing with my money all these months =x . What I will be doing is a mature decision ( it`s only right I am 20 now after all...) Instead of buying THESE *tear drops*
I will be buying this:
I know most of u are like "uh isnt the phone 200" yeah for new ppl with tmobile.. however i`m not new & i have no credit... so i`ll have to drop $500 for that bitch . . . uh yeah not cool.
There was suppose to be an Adidas Event in Wooster Street in SoHo , idk if it was tonight or if its tomorrow night... but for those of you who want these babies... I suggest you call or go see if they're there .
Fuck this shit man.... ugh... I hope I dont see anyone post these shoes anymore in the blogworld... yeah it's that serious! So I will go now and cry in my little corner =| Naw i`m about to go do some French hw & talk to my boo...
xoxo Kay ♥ at 8:44 PM 25 comments
Labels: adidas, jeremy scott, life sucks, mature things to do