So Friday I got my eyebrows threaded & that shit was fckin $13 . I think that was a bit much for eyebrows.. usually waxing is 6-10 .. depends where you go... but i`m not here to bitch about the price lol. I`m here to tell about my experience...I know some people have heard of it and never tried it... or they don`t know a place where they do them...
Jan 31, 2009
xoxo Kay ♥ at 10:48 PM 38 comments
Labels: eyebrow threading, pursebuzz, youtube
Jan 29, 2009
xoxo Kay ♥ at 8:28 PM 8 comments
xoxo Kay ♥ at 2:33 PM 7 comments
Labels: free, im a fatty
Jan 28, 2009
I cant wait to see this movie . . . .
xoxo Kay ♥ at 12:35 PM 4 comments
Jan 27, 2009

xoxo Kay ♥ at 8:08 AM 15 comments
Labels: crooks and castles, Louis Vuitton, love stinks, stephen sprouse
Jan 26, 2009
Im def feeelin this shirt, && its pink! I believe last yrs was red.
xoxo Kay ♥ at 2:43 PM 6 comments
Labels: love stinks, tough love nyc
Jan 24, 2009
In a week & change

xoxo Kay ♥ at 8:33 PM 13 comments
Labels: adidas, blackberry, i want., im on the market again, jeremy scott, kidrobot, my bday
Jan 22, 2009
i`ll be back in like a quick sec...
school is already gettin on my nervess......
xoxo Kay ♥ at 6:37 PM 4 comments
Labels: brb
Jan 20, 2009
Heyyy guys! I came home from school and i decided to do this Vlog cuz i was booored outta my mind... && muh hair looks a hawt mess its frizzy n shit. But i had to like wake up at 6am eeeeek soooo i didnt give to much thought into the hair. Anyway listen away....
xoxo Kay ♥ at 8:52 PM 8 comments
Labels: first day of school, obama, quick update, vlog, yes we can
Jan 18, 2009
So tomorrow is my first day in the office job, i`m like SUPER scared. lol
xoxo Kay ♥ at 10:18 PM 11 comments
Labels: go me, new job, quick update, school
Jan 15, 2009
Don't trip yet . .
Is my 2nd home now. I was lucky to get accepted to write for this dope ass blog ;)
xoxo Kay ♥ at 5:48 PM 12 comments
Labels: dont trip yet, go me, new blog
Johnny Cupcakes vs. Pastry
Now people that know me know that i hate the pastry line.... i hate the sneakers, the clothes, anything that has to do with it... I give props to Angela and Vanessa for doing their "own thing" but today i was on myspace && i found this bulletin posted by Johnny Cupcakes.... && it makes me hate Pastry even more...
Last Spring I was alerted by a customer who happened to work at a popular mall sportswear store. This customer of mine caught a glimpse of his manager’s catalog which had various items that were being released in the near future at all of their mall locations. One of the items in this companies catalog was a "Make Pastry Not War" t-shirt. Not only was it a very similar slogan, but it had the same EXACT placement, font, EVEN A CUPCAKE in the center of the t-shirt. This was no coincidence. Weeks later my inbox was flooded with furious Johnny Cupcakes customers who saw this same catalog with the 'Pastry' design in it. I could of made a big deal about it online, making everyone else aware of it. Instead, I decided not to be a cry baby and post it all over the internet, so I sought out a different route. I decided to contact my trademark attorney, who then contacted the owners of Pastry / Pastry Kicks. We got in touch with the President of a certain mall chain-store who ended up declining the order of all 'Make Pastry Not War' t-shirts. "

Spread the word, re-post all of this, and/or express your opinions to ALL of the contacts below:
Customer service toll free Number
Mon-Fri 9AM-6PM. Sat 10AM-5PM (ET).
http://www. pastrykicks. com/contact/
http://www. myspace. com/pastrykicks "
xoxo Kay ♥ at 1:19 PM 24 comments
Labels: boycott the shit, johnny cupcakes, pastry, things i hate, WTF at people
Jan 13, 2009
Blake Lively in VOGUE;
xoxo Kay ♥ at 8:44 PM 13 comments
Labels: blake lively, gossipgirl, vogue, yay or nay
Jan 12, 2009
xoxo Kay ♥ at 1:48 PM 19 comments
Jan 9, 2009
Lancome Ocillation Review;
So yeahhh i was lazy soo i jus recorded myself && cut off while i was doing it but you get the point... any questions leave them in the cmmnt section && i`ll get back to u guys..
lancome oscillation review from Kay M on Vimeo.
xoxo Kay ♥ at 11:39 PM 18 comments
Labels: lancome oscillation mascara, makeup rant, review
Jan 8, 2009
Purple Lipstiick LOVES Stephen Sprouse;
Just in case you haven't already . . . check out Stephen Sprouse's website ;) . It's so cool :D

Rock on Mars, a retrospective exhibition of the work of Stephen Sprouse, will transform Deitch Projects’s 18 Wooster Street gallery into a realization of Sprouse’s rock and roll futuristic vision. " VIA

xoxo Kay ♥ at 7:43 PM 9 comments
Labels: art, i want., Louis Vuitton, mob, Soho, stephen sprouse
Jan 5, 2009

xoxo Kay ♥ at 2:44 PM 16 comments
Labels: i need, macxhellokitty
Jan 2, 2009
SlumDog Millionaire
Has anyone heard of this movie?? I saw the trailer for it... i forgot where but it's a friday night and i had no plans so i decided to watch a movie & i must say this movie was good :) I give it a 4 out of 5. Here's what it's about according to
xoxo Kay ♥ at 10:16 PM 3 comments
Labels: good movie, i have no life, slumdogmillionaire
You know what`s annoying?
That myspace thing PEOPLE YOU MAY KNOW . . . like you know who the fck they are but obviously their not on your "friends list" because you dont like them =x or some shit like that... ugh. so annoying . . . .
xoxo Kay ♥ at 4:33 PM 10 comments
Labels: bleh, i dislike ppl, myspace