Jan 15, 2009

Johnny Cupcakes vs. Pastry

Now people that know me know that i hate the pastry line.... i hate the sneakers, the clothes, anything that has to do with it... I give props to Angela and Vanessa for doing their "own thing" but today i was on myspace && i found this bulletin posted by Johnny Cupcakes.... && it makes me hate Pastry even more...

This is what Johnny had to say in his bulletin ;

"Rando​mly putti​ng baked​ items​ on t-​shirt​s and havin​g an entir​e brand​ revol​ve aroun​d it is free for anyon​e to do. I don'​t own food.​ Howev​er,​ I did indee​d start​ this brand​ of mine 8 years​ ago, havin​g it's main focus​ be revol​ved aroun​d cupca​kes and anyth​ing assoc​iated​ with it. In the indep​enden​t t-​shirt​ indus​try,​ I belie​ve I was the first​ perso​n to go all out with this cupca​ke / bakin​g motif​.​ I've made a treme​ndous​ amoun​t of sacri​fices​ and risks​ to make it the homeg​rown,​ famil​y run, fun, limit​ed busin​ess that it is, since​ I dropp​ed out of high schoo​l and sold my t-​shirt​s out of my rusty​ car. With my brand​s main focus​ on my custo​mers and their​ exper​ience​,​ I think​ I've been doing​ a prett​y swell​ job at it.

Last Sprin​g I was alert​ed by a custo​mer who happe​ned to work at a popul​ar mall sport​swear​ store​.​ This custo​mer of mine caugh​t a glimp​se of his manag​er’s catal​og which​ had vario​us items​ that were being​ relea​sed in the near futur​e at all of their​ mall locat​ions.​ One of the items​ in this compa​nies catal​og was a "​Make Pastr​y Not War" t-​shirt​.​ Not only was it a very simil​ar sloga​n,​ but it had the same EXACT​ place​ment,​ font,​ EVEN A CUPCA​KE in the cente​r of the t-​shirt​.​ This was no coinc​idenc​e.​ Weeks​ later​ my inbox​ was flood​ed with furio​us Johnn​y Cupca​kes custo​mers who saw this same catal​og with the '​Pastr​y'​ desig​n in it. I could​ of made a big deal about​ it onlin​e,​ makin​g every​one else aware​ of it. Inste​ad,​ I decid​ed not to be a cry baby and post it all over the inter​net,​ so I sough​t out a diffe​rent route​.​ I decid​ed to conta​ct my trade​mark attor​ney,​ who then conta​cted the owner​s of Pastr​y / Pastr​y Kicks​.​ We got in touch​ with the Presi​dent of a certa​in mall chain​-​store​ who ended​ up decli​ning the order​ of all '​Make Pastr​y Not War' t-​shirt​s.​ "

"Recen​tly I've recei​ved sever​al e-​mails​ from confu​sed and upset​ custo​mers of mine.​ Now, 2 other​ desig​ns have appea​red on their​ websi​te.​ You be the judge​.​.​.​ "

"The thing​ that baffl​es me, is why would​ two girls​ who'​re famou​s via MTV, have to stoop​ so low to creat​e such simil​ar items​,​ never​ mind brand​?​ Maybe​ they'​re both reall​y great​ girls​ who happe​ned to hire some not-​so-​great​ desig​ners?​ I'm not sure what the case is, but I do know that this shoul​d be broug​ht to every​one'​s atten​tion.​

Sprea​d the word,​ re-​post all of this,​ and/​or expre​ss your opini​ons to ALL of the conta​cts below​:​

Custo​mer servi​ce toll free Numbe​r
Mon-​Fri 9AM-​6PM.​ Sat 10AM-​5PM (​ET)​.​

http:​/​/​www.​ pastr​ykick​s.​ com/​conta​ct/​
http:​/​/​www.​ myspa​ce.​ com/​pastr​ykick​s


hr@​adjmi​-​appar​el.​com "

- HMM. Really Angela & Vanessa?? Idk maybe Johnny is right, maybe their designers were the ones who had something to do with this... still its fcked up. I'd wear Johnny Cupcakes ANY DAY than Pastry... bleh >_<

Jus thought you guys would like to know.. specially the ones who support Pastry =|
whatever to each its own...

What do YOU think??


YOU LOVELEE. said...

i think j. cupcakes is the shit,
noone rocks pastries well. . .
noone this side of the world

Niki McNeill Brown said...

wow... that's blatant plagiarism! they should be ashamed

Rai said...

Yep, the designs are copied.
It happens a lot though, other companys mimicking designs.

If he's concerned, he should take care of it legally.

Ki said...

Hated pastry since the day I saw the shoes I was like are you kidding me? Every chic thought they were cool because they had a pair...mmm how bout not?!

So I don't even like their kicks, nevermind the apparel, I think they should find a different industry...

Who wouldn't wanna copy Johnny Cupcakes though?! I mean look @ the designs, they're the shzxT! But that's no excuse...smh. People these days...

Rebel Mel said...

Personally I hate johnny cupcakes. He used to be in this really bad band when I was like 15 and he kept on sending me emails asking me to support him at shows (he is from about 40 minutes away from me)

I always thought that was a stupid nickname, then he started that company. I have friends who have modeled for him, and my opinion of them has gone down.

I think johnny cupcakes is a poor excuse at fashion.

PORCHE ` said...

that's so whaaaaack. i don't like pastry anyway and i doubt it will last long.

Devon said...

yeah im not so much a big fan of pastry but i love angela & vanessa..but that is def not right they so similar i think he should handle it, if its becoming a big issue to him!

Anonymous said...

That shit is soo crazy how could they do something like and think nobody would find out. This just makes the people of Pastry look stupid.

I'm not going to lie but I did go hard for Pastry when it first first first came out only cuz I liked Venessa & Angela. Then after a while I was like this shit is corney.

I hate myself soo much cuz I have like three Pastry sneakers. I don't know what I was thinking cuz they're so ugly.

Rich said...

It happens all the time in the Tshirt industry I would blame the designers of pastry not the owners, I know as a person that designs shirts before I press or release anything I make sure its copy written so that I can take legal action.

But you cant catch everything, the only think you hope to aviod is seeing a multi million dollar company steal from the little man but thats been happening since god knows when

Rebel Mel said...

Maybe I would be a bigger fan of the whole johnny cupcakes line if I hadn't heard the terrible band he was in pre-clothing line. And it probably has something to do with the fact that I live in Boston, and everyone seems to know Johnny, too. So many people that are friends with him sport his clothing line, which is great, but I am a very original person, I hate to wear the same thing as other people.

I do admit, I used to own a johnny cupcakes shirt in 2006, but I threw it out. I am not one to wear t-shirts, either. I am pretty fashion forward, if I do say so, and I am a whopping 87 pounds, so me in a t shirt? well that's just not flattering at all.

I will admit, I didn't even bother reading your post, I just saw it was something about johnny cupcakes and immediately responded. I did read it this time, and I agree, it's lame that his line was plagiarized.

buzzin p said...

whack whack whack pastry is yeah i wouldnt rock it seems so high school teeny bopper lmfao like the matching shirts and jeans seems like on some updated babyphat shit to me lol i couldnt the kicks are ridiculous too they have way too much going on and alot of people are trying to bop with the whole clothing line shit johnny cupcakes goes hard those boxers are dope to rock [=

Stephyy said...

damnn personally I dont own neither pastry nor johnny cupcake but i did find it weird by the images that were posted. I mean its not Rev's daughters fault I think the designer wasnt very smart at designing but it happens in tshirts industry world :/

In A NY State Of Mind said...

first of all its clothing lines revolving around pastries....hmmm
need I go further? if you rock either, you should re-evaluate life.

imho. ;D

SICKNESS said...

Urban Outfitters did the same thing last year.

glam girl$. said...

WHOA. terrible. smfh.
never been interested in rockin
pastries bu i always thought
their idea was dope ass hell.
bu this? this is sad ..

i thnk i might just post this
shit on the gg blogg; jus to
get the word out more. lmao

Anonymous said...

-great originality girls *rolls eyes*
Never did think much of the simmon's girls anyways. Angela freaks me.

le said...

either way it came about its really fucked up and they should just go back to the drawing board and do it all over again

Anonymous said...

Quite honestly,

I understand johnny cupcakes has sacrificed a lot for his company but you cannot forget that cupcakes and pastries are quite similar concepts. It's understandable that there will be some overlap in their designs. Even looking at johnny cupcakes line it's easily said that his slogans are cliche and have been done before. Not to discredit his work but we cannot discredit pastry's work either. My verdict: not guilt.

U BRING ME JOI said...

yeah they are whack for this either way you put it

Super Noodle Rach said...

i hate the whole pastry line and lnd is sooo late as it has JUST hit footlocker!!girls think they are sik with them shoes when thy really are not!

Super Noodle Rach said...

....and not to mention some of their new shoes look like the shape of jordans


Seriously Pastry's is trash. I don't know anyone if anyone who wears any of their shit. It's like he said, it's one thing to do something and do it on your own, in your own way, because he didn't invent cupcakes and surely not to knock him but he wasn't the first to put cupcakes on clothing. however, he did on the other hand come up with design tacts and slogans for his product. That is his credit, for them to steal it is corny, their whole line is corny. I don't care if they blame it on their designers, they're the ones who get the final say on anything that gets put out. If they didn't then what good are they for their own brand? 0.O

Anonymous said...

The J.Hierarchy wants to control everything that makes money...Rev and his family are shills to the J. Hierarchy(NWO-CIA etc)...They have already sold their souls to them so ripping off Johnny Cupcakes is nothing to them...Its really sad the world we live in...Johnny got a little piece of fortune/fame and because he won't sell off this company to these Zionist, they will go other routes to up end him...Sad sad humanbeings(if that is what they really are)

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