So this year has been like no other mosssst def! I've met some new cool people in my life, && got rid of the unnecessary ;). Also I got the besst boyfriend i've EVER had... & he's so special to me & i'm super happy we became a couple ;) . . . . I hope `09 looks up for me,my family & friends. Also i hope to become a better person, & i`m glad my boyfriend is by my side willing to help & have patience with me.
- is to do BETTER in school , yeahh the GPA was good this semester but i need to bring it up a notch so i can get accepted into F.I.T. yanno?
- Eat less junk food
- Start working out more
- stop buying unnecessary shit
- save money
- get a license
- get a car
- & just be a better person all around